Friday, January 8, 2010

Good News

Allo All }:8>

Well I got some good news today in the mail... I received my student loans award letter; something I've been dreading and hoping for at the same time. As I said, all good news. }:8>

To tell you a little more about me well... I'm the geek. Yep Geek.

I have a degree in Electronic Engineering Technology which means basically I can fix your TV if it's 30 Years Old... (My degree is 20 years old!)

About 13 years ago I did some research and started a ISP with a business partner in a VERY small town. I made many mistakes, including using Windows NT as the operating system to run all the primary services. It's good to say that my old ISP is still in business (Though I left many many years ago).

Since then I've worked as a gas station attendent, carpenter, accountant, electrician, and even a utility truck builder.... So I guess I'm kind of a jack of all trades.

Today I run Linux exclusivly and am working on a degree in Enviromental Tech.

And NO I am not as Rush Limbla (joke intended) a tree hugger..


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